Minister Day

Ministry day is one of the history day for Liger. I in recruitment team first time I think I was scared when I share my knowledge to other people. About 2 round later I felt normal and I share more than I got. I proud of myself and all Liger students because we teach famous people and boss of school. Everybody do a great job because at home they prepare it nicely I always see them practice everywhere at night morning and free time. I think 25 minutes is not enough time for my group because of question if have one people ask other people ask to so we don’t have enough time to play our game with them. I little bit disappointed because the minister not come and I know his problem I know next time he will come to Liger again soon. Yesterday is my lesson because it help me to be brave when I do presentation. This time is complicate for me because most of the time I always do in English but this time I do in Khmer and make me confused some part.


