Security Hut

Right now we are working on a project to design a security hut. This is the first time I have designed security hut and I my goal is to become engineering so this is one of the practice for me to understand more about designing. I really love this project because we have to compete with a real expert, so we have to take it seriously and think about the requirement and budget.


masee        gg

Economic Test Prep

First week


  • What we choose to do for ourselves VS what we leave for others to do.


  • Choose to do the most profitable activities.
    • Leave other activities to others
  • Economic
    • How we make decision based on our limited resource
  • (Seller) Law of supply( our willing to sell)
    • The price increase, supplier will sell more (positive relationship)
  • (Buyer) Law of demand (our willing to buy)
    • As price goes up people will demand less as price goes down people will demand more. (Negative relationship)
  • Equilibrium point
    • At this point, the amount that seller wants to sell equal to the amount that buyer want to buy
  • What makes the demand curve shift outwards?
    • Increase in population
    • Changes in income
    • Seasonal effects
    • Change taste and preferences New information
    • Expectation (price is going up later so we have to demand now)
    • Price of related foods
      • Sub
      • Com
      • Input (supply)


Second Week


  • The demand always move first


  • The demand curve shifts outward:
    • At every price, people buy more than before  


  • Substitute: the product that can use in place of each other
    • When the price of the Good A goes up the demand good B will go up.
  • Substitute is the positive relationship between the price of one good and the demand for another good.  


  • Complements: goods that are usually bought together (demand)
    • Always negative relationship
    • The price of one good go up and the demand for another good go down
      • EX: Car and Gasoline when the price of car go up people will demand less gasoline
  • Thing can move supply curve
    • Input (parts of things that combine and make bigger thing like: watch)
      • If the price of input goes down (supply move to the right)
      • If the price of input go up (supply move to the left)
    • Number of Sellers
      • Number of sellers go up (supply move right)
      • Number of sellers go down (supply move left)
    • Technology
      • Technology go up (supply move right)
      • Technology goes down (supply move left)
    • Tax
      • Reduces taxes (supply move to the right)
      • Increase of taxes (supply move to the left)
    • Expectations
      • Seller (ex: grape price go up) (supply move left)
      • Seller (ex: grape price go down) (supply move right)
    • Change in price of another good that the seller could produce
      • Price of other good go up (supply will move to the left)


Third week


  • Price ceiling is equilibrium point
  • Price floor above equilibrium point


Fourth Week


  • In order
    • Curve moves (supply or demand)
    • Price changes


    • Fifth week
      • Review
        • If the government places a 15% tax on cigarette makers, then the supply curve for cigarettes will move to left and the price will increase.
        • If the price of Anchor beer decreases, Then the demand curve for Angkor beer will shift left and the quantity of Angkor beer purchased will decrease.
        • If gold buyers expected gold to fall 10% than the buyer of gold will make the demand curve will shift left and the price of gold will decrease and the quantity of gold purchased decrease.
        • If the price of widgets expected to increase 10% then the sellers of widgets will make the supply curve shift left and the price widgets will increase and the quantity of widgets purchased decrease.
        • If the price of milk doubles, then the demand curve for cereal will shift left and the quantity of cereal sold will decrease and the price will decrease.
        • When the price of sugar decrease then the Supply curve for Coca-Cola will shift to the right, the price of coca will decrease and the quantity of Coca-Cola will increase.
        • If there are a national disaster and the technology needed to make widgets is wiped out, Then the supply curve for widgets will shift to left and the quantity sold will decrease.
        • If the price of rechargeable batteries increase, Then the demand, Supply curve for cell phones will move Left, Left and the price will decrease, increase and the quantity sold decrease, decrease.


  • Demand slope downward supply slope upward.
  • If both D and S shift to the right it means both of it increases and if D and S shift to the left it means both of it decrease




How do airplane fly?

The airplane wing is shaped like an airfoil with a curve along the top. So when the airplane move faster and faster the air pressure on the bottom of the wing is higher than the top so it creates lift force that makes the airplane fly. To overcome the gravity the airplane need have thrust force acting on it which are the engines of the airplane that make the airplane move forward. The engine also has a shape like an airfoil so it can create lift. Drag is like friction that makes the action of the airplane not smooth. 2 types of engines one is the jet engine and another one is the wing. If you in a car and if you put your hand outside of the window horizontally you don’t feel a lot of drag but if you put it as vertically you will feel more drag.


Wing has flap, slat, and aileron during the takeoff flap and slat move downward make the shape of an airfoil. During flight flap and slat go to the original position. To descend an airplane just need to lower the elevator so it produces lift force and if want to climb up just do the reverse. If the to navigate just change make one aileron go up and another down so it will produce lift force and turn.