Lack of Division of Labor Leads to Divorce

“It isn’t the money that predicts the risk of divorce – the cash stuff doesn’t matter,” said the author, Alexandra Killewald, a professor of sociology at Harvard University.

A breadwinner must be a male.

A homemaker must be a female.

These are many stereotypes that are deeply ingrained in our society today. Women are considered to be a housewife, although men are considered to be the wage earner.

The breadwinner is the one who earns money and supports the family, while homemaker is the one who manages the home.

Naturally, when we hear the term breadwinner, we consider of men, and while hearing about homemaker, we consider of women.

The division of housework is immensely important to every individual and family, and it is the main obstacle that might lead to divorce in a family. According to Live-Science, the divorce between spouses does not cause by money issue. Rather, it occurs because of the behaviors of both wife and husband. However, “Women are more likely to initiate divorce,” stated McKinley IRVIN. The key reason is that women are getting really exhausted from doing the domestic responsibilities.

“Traditionally, in a family, the wife would assume most of the household and childcare responsibilities, while the husband would have taken the responsibility of providing income.” Currently, there are more women starting to work outside of their home, and they also need to manage time between their job as well as doing housework; this is called the second shift of work. According to the Copyright-Land,  more women have gone out to work, and more have divorced. This is because when some women work outside the home, they often feel more independent, think more highly of themselves, and as soon as they start working, they want a new man.

Domestic responsibilities are the weapons of many marriages. Marriage usually begins with a willingness of both spouses to share them. Newlyweds, commonly doing most of the housework together such as cooking, washing, cleaning, and more. The weapons are starting to waylay the relationship when children arrive, and the domestic responsibilities starting to change. Children could create an immense need for the family, “both a greater need for income and greater domestic responsibilities.” Both spouses should be considered on their individual responsibility, men are more likely becoming the breadwinner while women are having no choices rather than doing housework. In most contemporary marriages, both spouses work outside the home for income, “ leaving the domestic responsibilities to whoever will volunteer.” Currently, there is a multitude of working women, because they end up doing most of the household work and take care of their children. Therefore, women would have a feeling that their husbands showing a lack of support.

A quote stated, “Don’t shower me with love and kisses -just whisper softly, I’ll do the dishes. This is where REAL LIFE happens in a marriage. When couples accomplish the tasks in life TOGETHER, they free up time to pursue other interests, enriching their relationship.” Both spouses need to be organized about the division of the responsibilities, and you just need to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. There will be many obstacles that could affect the relationship, yet the word “I’ll do it” will ways help to find the solution and able to generate true love.


My poem is talking about a kid who born in the family that has the lovely parents but without money (poor). He remembered his past, and he wants to be rich with his new life, but he was unsuccessful with his wish. Because his family was poor that his parents need to leave to find jobs and earn the profit. When he was in grade 4 a school came, from Phnom Penh, and tried to find intelligence kids to join their school. He passed the test and he was one of the kids. His life started to change….

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Engineering ASE

A few weeks ago when I was in Waseem’s ASE (engineering)I came up with an idea which was to build the robot arm. I was inspired by a youtube video, and I planned to create an exactly the same product as they did. It was not acceptable for me to copy the other’s work because I won’t learn anything new rather than promoting that person’s achievements. Moreover, three weeks ago I had finished with my first prototype which I built a really simple robot arm. Currently, I’m in the process of developing my product, and my goals are to use the standard components to build the robot such as 3D-Printing-Parts, Servo motors, Jumper cables, Bread-Board, Arduino, Power supply (5v), and Code. Lastly, I’m blissful to be apart of this project and I believe that in the future I will invent something new so that the world could benefit from it.  

The Creepy Bloody Halloween Night!!!!


It was a cold Halloween night when I saw the creepy shadow entered my bedroom. I heard the sound of the shadow emerged to my house silently, creepily, and aggressively. I couldn’t stand my ground; I was about to pass out! I started walking toward my closet and hid in there. There it was, a spooky, demon looking shadow with red eyes wandered around my room. What is it doing there, anyway? It looked underneath my bed, under my blanket, at my table, and it was coming toward me. What else can I do? Finally, I decided to fight with the ugly awful monster. I was standing over there and had a small talk with my opponent, “Come on you little stupid ugly baby monster, and I’m not going to scare you.” Whatever, today is Halloween day, you’re just a fake ghost; again come on baby. “You think that you guys are going to knock me down?” Suddenly, my brother emerged and fought against the two horrible monsters. The monster took out his gun and instantly shoot my brother on his head. It was my turn to death…. Zik-zik-zik-zik, “Good morning, my lovely son!” my mom shouted from the kitchen. Happy Halloween my dear; I bought you the special bloody creepy costume. “Thank you mom” I was amazed because the cloth that my mom bought for me was the cloth that the monster wore in my nightmare.

Image result for halloween day

Literacy & Writing

Name: Rithy
Group: D
Date: 3/9/15
English Writing

I go to an unusual school. The Liger Learning Center (LLC) is in Cambodia and we have 50 students, 25 boys and 25 girls. This school has a lot of subjects like literacy, math, khmer and especially Liger focus on exploration. All the students come from different provinces in Cambodia. Sometimes students have the opportunity to go to another country and different provinces in Cambodia. This school has just one in Cambodia because all the students are very smart and kind. Liger students have their own computers and they always use computers during the school time. Liger has four houses and every house has one Residential Educator. The goal for this school is to change Cambodia. We learn two languages Khmer and English. I very happy to learn in Liger school because Liger can change my future 100%. This school give me a lot of education and maybe one day I will become expert of somethings.

Cambodia Reader & Writer Festival

On Friday, October 20, 2017, I attended an event called the Cambodia Reader and Writer festival. It was a three whole days event, and we met a multitude of the young and old Cambodian authors. Moreover, Cambodian people were rarely reading books, and this festival was trying to increase the amount of reader in the country. It was an exciting experience for me to be a part of the festival because I met a lot of famous Cambodian author.

Narrative Essay

In the literacy class, we learned how to write our own narrative essay. Narrative essay included personal anecdote and addressed our own coming of age experienced. My essay was a kid who got a scholarship to learn in the Phnom Penh, city. This kid left his family and the other important people in his life just to get a standard education. This life-changing moment transferred the ability to the kid to become the reality of who he actually is.

Name: Rithy Hong

Date Thursday, August 31, 2017

Title: Coming of Age

Loneliness Leads to Success

The affable house that I used to live and the sweet sounds that I used to hear vanished almost instantaneously. My life became secretly lonely when I moved to a new mysterious place. I lived without my lovely parents, my friendly friends, and the other important people in my life. Until I came to Liger, I realized, this life changing-movement had changed my whole life to become the reality of who I am. Why do I need to come to the Liger Leader Academy school?

After all, when I was nine years old, in the fourth grade, I was one of the smartest students in the class. It was a really tough situation for me to become one of the smartest kids because of family’s condition. Even though I did not have enough money for supplies or snacks, I had many supportive friends. One day I was given a test and I was the only student that passed. I was given the scholarship to attend a new school, the Liger Leadership Academy. The day had come, I am super ready for my departure and delighted to see tall buildings in the beautiful, Phnom Penh, city. But then, my tears started to drop when the wheels of the bus starting to move. My mom asked, “Are you ok?” I replied,‘’I’m super fine mom!’’. Later on, I am anxious to tell my mom about my decision to return back to my hometown because of homesick. Suddenly, I reminded myself of a quote that my grandma told me, “You did not know where you was going until you got there.” This quote inspired me to resume rowing on my journey and be who I am today. Moreover, when I first arrived the school, I saw students entering the gate with smiling and showing enthusiastic. I was cheerful to be a part of the Liger Leadership Academy school.  

A few days later, the school started functioning, and it was inconvenient for this kid to live with strangers. I cried a lot, I started making the connection with strangers and I found a friend, he gave me warm and confident. Moreover, I noticed that my life required more friends so I could live with efficiency. Furthermore, I assembled plenty of friends and they were friendly and smart kids. Next, new friends are new memories, new experiences, and a brand new delighted life. This is the biggest lesson that I had learned in my life is to make friends. Of course, if I had not made any friends, my life will be different, and lonely will be there waiting for me to ends my destination.

As we are getting older our mind will change and it is natural. Now I am 15 years old, of course, my body is getting more matured, but my face still looks young and handsome. I had lived at the Liger Leadership Academy, school for six years, and there are so many obstacles that I had overcome and been who I am today.


Moreover, teenage life will never want to be a loser, we need win instead of losing. I used to have a lot of complexity with my close friends because of having different ideas and different mindsets. We did not talk to each other for months until one day I decided to say the hardest word “sorry” to him. I asked, ”Can we befriend again?” He replied, “Emm, okay,” we are friend again. My reaction when he said the word “Ok” was indescribable.


Afterward, I am really proud and thankful to myself for not choosing the wrong decision even though I am a loser. There were so many multiplexes that I had faced as I’m getting older. This is another big lesson that I had learned as a teenager is, “To be a loser, but we win ourself”. This means, as we are getting more mature, we want to win, but sometimes we have to forgive ourself because we want friends instead of winning as an individual person.

It seems to be lonely if a mature person travels or walk as an individual. We need to take actions and forgive each other to construct a stronger foundation of friendship. Friends are my family members because they give me all of the life lessons, warm especially having a wonderful life together.

I am so proud and extremely excited to take this enormous opportunity to come to the Liger Leadership Academy because I used advanced technology, received an international standard of education, and cooked my own delicious food.

Building Remote Car

In the engineering expertise, we learn to code by using different type of electrical components. Currently, I and my teammates get an assignment from Wasseem (Engineering Facilitator), and the assignment is to build our own remote control car that will need breadboards, DC motors, jumper cables and etc.

Visiting iThinkAsia Animation Studio

On September 27, 2017, I and my animation teammates went to iThink Asia, the first animation studio in Cambodia, to learn the basics of animation. I was delighted to visit there because my passion was more into animation if compared to drawing. Moreover, we watched many animation videos of the bouncing ball, and all single students were ready for their first animation task after got a clear explanation from the video. Furthermore, we used OpenToonz software to create our own bouncing ball animation, and it also required digital drawing. I spent my first hour just to finish the task, and I had a lot of obstacles that were related to Open Toonz. Lastly, If I get another opportunity to go back to iThink Asia I will try my best to create a better animation with a better quality.

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, screen, table and indoor

Engineering Extension

On Monday, August 14, 2017, I attended an engineering ASE (after school extension), guided by Waseem (our facilitator). My purpose was to build a fancy robot arm which used a multitude of standard components. The plan isn’t functioning because I’m a beginner, so I needed to raise up with a simpler design. Finally, I brought up with a new plan of constructing the robot arm which included servo motors, ice cream sticks, potentiometers and etc. Currently, I’m in the process of finishing up the product, and the desire of the robot is to lift the object up into the air (with weight requirement). In conclusion, this my first prototype of the robot arm, and in the future I will develop the concept and the robot will be able to lift the heavier objects.