Introduction to Statistics

In our math class for this term, we are now advocating ourselves to become experts on the complex topic called Statistics. Our handsome math teacher, Jeff, divided the topic into smaller units so that the students are able to learn it at their own pace. Jeff designates us to complete various Statistics unites on Khan Academy−it’s also a huge part of our grade for this term.  

Statistics is a topic that is quite different from others; it is more challenging and critical. The whole idea of statistics is not only about calculating the number, but it is also about how we use our language to elaborate on our answers in a precise way.    


Lewis Dot Structure

In chemistry class, we learn about a topic called Lewis Dot Structures Diagram where we need to draw dots and bondings between atoms. In this unit, we use Lewis Dot Structures (electron dot diagram) to show the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the lone pairs of electrons that may exist in the molecule. To draw Lewis Dot Structures, first we need to know the valence electron of the atom (an outer shell electron); the second step will be taking the number of valence electrons and draw it as dots around the atom.  

For example, Carbon has 4 valence electrons (an outer shell electron)

We can also draw bonding between two or more atoms. In a covalent bond, when two electrons bond together, we can draw a line to connect between the two electrons. For example Carbon and Oxygen. The two atoms combine together so that they can share electrons with each other to get eight electrons–which is the number that they want.